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Cosmetic Dentistry

The Cosmetic Dentistry is a field in dentistry, where in you learn about each cosmetic dentistry procedure. In many cases, a cosmetic dentist will implement a combination of several of the following procedures to give you that perfect smile

Decay is one of the most common problems affecting the oral cavity. To arrest its progress, it is advisable to remove the decay in its early stages and fill the cavity with a filling material. Tooth color composite fillings ensure not only adequate esthetic as they resemble the natural tooth color but they also bond with tooth surface making them less susceptible to leakage and cracks.

We also recommend to replace your old leaky and unaesthetic silver fillings with invisible aesthetic tooth color fillings! Indications: Filling of Decayed Teeth Broken or fractured teeth Abrasion or wear facets.

Root Canal

Routine dental procedure :- Scaling, fillings, teeth Extraction.
Process of Root CanalFirst, the dentist will give you local anesthesia—this means an injection near the bad tooth. Other than this little prick, you won't feel much pain throughout the procedure. Then he proceeds to drill away the top part of the infected tooth to expose what is called the "pulp" of the tooth. The pulp is a bunch of tissues, nerves, arteries and veins that connect your tooth to your jaw bone. This is the part that bacteria have eaten away and damaged, causing you toothache.
Now the dentist uses small "files" to chip away and remove the part of the pulp that is infected. He will also clean out small pathways, or "canals," that run from your tooth to your bone. Then he sprays/places medicines in the hollow to kill any remaining germs and prevent further microbial infection. Finally, the cleaned area is temporarily stuffed with a soft material.
On further sittings, the hollow is packed with "fillings" and then a permanent crown is affixed on top of the treated tooth. This crown may be made of porcelain or metal, as per your choice.
After the TreatmentYou may have some pain, soreness or swelling for a day or two after the procedure. The dentist may decide to prescribe you painkillers and antibiotics to help in recovery. Most people can resume normal routine within 24 hours.

Crown and Bridge

What Is Crown And Bridge Treatment?
Crown and bridge treatment is a long-term method of replacing missing teeth.A crown is placed on an individual tooth, (somewhat like a thimble over your finger) where there is no longer sufficient tooth structure left to place a filling. A bridge spans a space where one or more teeth have been lost in the dental arch. The teeth on either end of the span are crowned, and are referred to as abutments. The false teeth in a bridge that join the abutments are referred to as pontics. Crowns and bridges are most often made from superior materials such as precious metals (gold), semi-precious metals, porcelain, or a combination of metal fused to porcelain.Both esthetics (appearance) and function are considered when selecting the material most suitable for you.

• Disaster closure
• Smile designing
• Teeth colour filling
• Orthdontic Treatment

Smile Designing

Smile Designing
Smile Design Treatment is a cosmetic treatment that focuses on improving the appearance of your smile through certain procedures such as dental veneers, composite bonding, teeth whitening and tooth implant. People suffering from dental problems like tooth decaying, tooth loosening, stains, and bacterial plaque usually opt for this makeover treatment. Some factors taken into consideration for this treatment include: facial appearance and skin tone, gum tissues and lips.

Who is not eligible for the treatment?

People who suffer from different oral problems such as crooked or protruded teeth, broken or chipped tooth, gum bleeding, dark patches on the gum, stained or discolored teeth etc, usually undergo a smile design treatment. Those who want to enhance their smile may also opt for fuller and thicker lips treatment. Smile designing not only helps in high quality restoration but also gives your lips a fuller and thicker look.

Gum Treatment

The "Gummy Smile" – This is a problem where your teeth appear to be too short. Gum sculpting is often the solution. To solve this, a dentist uses a laser to remove the excess tissue of your "gummy" smile, which then exposes more of your tooth.

Dental Implant

What Are Dental Implants?
Dental implants are permanent tooth replacements. They hold a crown, bridge or denture just like roots hold natural teeth in place. Many dentists consider implants to be one of the greatest advancements in dentistry since they truly are "the next best thing to your natural teeth." Unlike a traditional plate or bridge, dental implants are actually anchored to your jaw. After integration with the jawbone, the crown, bridge or denture is then attached to the implants. This provides much greater stability for more effective eating, speaking and smiling!

People of all ages are discovering how they can improve their lives with dental implants. No more messy, ineffective adhesives for denture wearers. With dental implants, denture wearers report eating foods that they have not had in years! Say goodbye to slipping partials and uncomfortable dentures. Implants allow for a secure solid fit of the more comfortable palate less denture.

Implants can even help a patient missing just one tooth. In the past, the two adjacent healthy teeth had to be ground down and "sacrificed" to build a three-unit bridge to replace the single missing tooth. Today, a single implant can often be placed in between the teeth and a crown can be fabricated without affecting the healthy teeth

So if you are a candidate for dental implants, don't put off getting a complete professional evaluation any longer. Not everyone is a viable candidate for dental implants. A comprehensive evaluation with your general dentist and your implant surgeon will allow you to understand all of your treatment options and choose a dental solution for improving your life.

What are the benefits of dental implant treatment?
First of all, you will be able to smile. A big, healthy, happy smile. And you will have a lot to smile about, too. Dental implants allow you to speak, eat, sing, kiss – in other words, do everything you want – with total self assurance.


Dental veneers are a possible solution to help you achieve the look you desire. They are a popular choice for those with chipped teeth, a gap between teeth, or misshaped teeth.
Dental veneers are thin covers that adhere to teeth to give teeth a more classically shaped look. Talk to our dentist about what's best for you.

• Dental Veneers

If you want to improve your smile, dental veneers are a simple option. Veneers are thin coverings that are placed over the front (visible) part of the tooth. They look like natural teeth. Veneers can be used to correct a wide range of dental issues, such as:
• Teeth that are stained and can't be whitened by bleaching
• chipped or worn teeth
• crooked or misshapen teeth
• uneven spaces or a large gap between the upper front teeth

Gum Surgery With Laser

Gum disease is common. Unfortunately, getting it treated isn't. Many people avoid gum disease treatment because traditional methods hurt and recovery is long and inconvenient.

Traditional gum surgery is intimidating.
A scalpel is used to cut deeply into the gums so the bacteria can be scraped out.
The cutting and scraping makes the gums bleed heavily (general anesthetic is required).
Healthy gum tissue is destroyed in the process. Patients wake up with a lot of stitches and bandages packed between their gums and teeth.

Recovery takes time and prescription pain medication is often needed. Dietary restrictions are in order – nothing but soft foods for at least a week.

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